Empowering Responsible AI-Related change, with expert coaching and change management

Our ‘Why’

We believe that the transformative power of AI should result in a more equal society. 

We empower leaders to make confident decisions about the impact of Artificial Intelligence and the world of possibilities it opens up to you.

Organisations who stand to benefit the most may have the least capacity to think innovatively about deploying AI responsibly. Many not-for-profit organisations need to respond to the impact of other people's use of AI technologies on the communities they serve.

Our mission is to empower schools, not-for-profits and SMEs to understand the holistic implications of the AI revolution and put in place a culture that allows them to harness its full potential with confidence and responsibility, while responding to its risks.

As a social enterprise, our Articles of Association will drive us to invest the majority of our profits into supporting those organisations with the least capacity to make these changes, as we believe they are also the organisations that stand to benefit the most.

Let us shine a light on your AI opportunities and risks.

  • We work in partnership with you throughout your journey to AI Confidence.

    We have a range of workshops, leadership programmes and policy support that we can tailor to your not-for-profit, school or SME.

  • We combine decades of AI knowledge with change management expertise and a coaching-led approach guides you by the hand through the maze of implications, empowering your teams to work safely with AI, understand its consequences for your community, and use it to its maximum benefit.

    Founded by former Deputy Head of the British Government’s Office for Artificial Intelligence, Tim Cook, we have helped a number of organisations to embed responsible AI practices to bring about transformational change.

    Always driven by purpose over profit, we’ve coached schools, charities, leaders and small businesses through the rapid changes AI has brought to their world.

Our Services

  • AIConfident UK workshops for schools with Founder Tim Cook

    For Schools

    Let us take your school on a journey to AI Confidence. We equip school leaders with everything they need to take positive, confident decisions on the tricky subject of AI in education.

    We'll help you create cultures where staff are empowered to explore AI technologies while prioritising pedagogy, human agency and academic integrity. We'll also give them the confidence in AI required to develop the next generation of responsible AI users, ready for an AI enabled workplace. We'll also help you navigate the range of risks and harms that AI technologies present for your school community.

    We support individual schools through inset days and 1.5hr micro-courses that can be run after the school day.

    We also run AIConfident School Leaders Cohorts, providing ongoing, affordable support to school leaders over 5 months, helping you to deliver lasting change.

    Discover what your journey to being an AI Confident school looks like, via our Case Study from Buckswood School.

  • For Businesses and Not-for-Profits

    Let us take you on a journey to AI Confidence, where leaders understand the strategic implications of AI; you have a culture where teams perform co-intelligently with AI tools; And you have identified and prioritised your AI use cases. We'll support you all the way with expert, technology agnostic, balanced advice.

    We work 1-to-1 with organisations, taking you through this whole journey, or bespoke support with parts of if.

    We also run 1-to-many leadership cohorts, providing our leadership support at rates that are affordable for the smallest of organisations, while giving you access to the same journey to AI Confidence.

    Across both, our approach will always be to develop and empower your people to deliver lasting change. Our coaching-led approach means we will ask questions that will help you to help develop an approach to AI adoption that aligns with your values and goals.

Our Clients

  • Independent Schools Association

  • Ark Curriculum Plus

  • On-Purpose

  • Help for Heroes

  • LVS Ascot

  • Buckswood School

  • AISL Harrow Schools

  • Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

  • National Lottery Community Fund

  • Dulwich Prep School

  • Melrose Education

  • EMG Marcom

Our Partnerships

Conversations on AI

Putting the human in the loop empowers your team to work alongside AI tools to make the most of their expertise. Doing so also helps overcome some fears that people have about AI replacing expertise or producing inaccurate content.