Leading AIConfident Schools

Join our new AIConfident School Leaders Cohorts— an accessibly-priced 5-month programme (2 hours per month) for school leaders, giving them everything they need to lead an AI Confident school.

Learn more about our School Leaders Cohorts

  • We’ll help you gain a holistic look at the implications of AI for your organisation, and set out plans to respond proactively respond to AI changes.

    Over the course of 5 x 2hr modules, delivered one each month for 5 months, we'll support you through subjects such as:

    Understanding the implications of AI for your organisation;

    Experimenting safely with the tools to run training for staff on the safe and responsible use of AI;

    Putting in place an AI policy and ethical considerations;

    Communicating your approach with your teams and your key stakeholders;

    Deploying AI technologies with confidence understanding your biggest challenges and prioritising how you use AI

  • The rapid growth in AI will profoundly change the external and internal context for all types of organisation.

    Change is difficult, and responding to change doesn't come through a single workshop or days course. We are offering modular courses for leaders, combining AI expertise, change management and coaching techniques.

  • We deliver our school leader cohorts over 5 months, with monthly 2-hour modules of interactive discussions and experimentation.

    Our school leaders leave the sessions inspired by our discussions on Responsible AI, and excited by today’s AI tools. 

Our Bite-sized Sessions (~1.5 hours)

Inset Days

We can deliver a mix of any of the above as part of an inset day.

Other Support

  • Consultancy support for the development of your AI policy.

    Parent engagement - talks for parents to help them understand the world of AI and how you're approaching it.

    Governors talks - Supporting your engagement with your governors, helping you get their buy-in to your AI approach.

  • Talks for parents to help them understand the world of AI and how you're approaching it

  • Supporting your engagement with your governors, helping you get their buy-in to your AI approach

Let us take you on your school’s journey towards AI confidence.

  • We offer a tailored approach for every level of your school. Actively manage your risk, and gain a process to implement responsible AI use cases.

  • We provide flexible, human-centric learning. Empower your teachers and staff to experiment safely with AI. Help your students gain the knowledge and skills for responsibly using AI.

  • Most of all, we’ve set up the AIConfident model as a social enterprise. With us, champions AI’s accessibility for all, as we reinvest majority of our profits to adjust our approach to specific needs of charities, civil society organisations, and schools.

Our Guiding Principles

  • Our approach focuses on empowering your team with the knowledge and tools to lead lasting change, positioning your organization at the forefront of the AI revolution.

  • We bring the right set of questions and challenge to align your AI adoption with your organization's uniqueness, ensuring it shines through in your AI use cases.

  • Starting with your goals, we believe in a considered approach to AI use cases, whether adopting or not, to create an organization aligned with your vision.

  • Our ethos is to enhance people’s lives through AI, making us the right choice if you seek to supercharge your workforce, but perhaps not if your goal is solely workforce reduction.

What Our Clients Have to Say…

Case Study

Case Study

How Artificial Intelligence technologies are applied for the benefit of society is a live conversation.  At AIConfident we believe passionately that everyone should be empowered to be part of that conversation.  Take a look at the case study of our work at Buckswood School. We empowered them to assess and implement AI in four ways, across educators, school leaders, students, and total school policy. 

Conversations on AI

Putting the human in the loop empowers your team to work alongside AI tools to make the most of their expertise. Doing so also helps overcome some fears that people have about AI replacing expertise or producing inaccurate content.

Image References: Nacho Kamenov & Humans in the Loop / Better Images of AI / A trainer instructing a data annotator on how to label images / CC-BY 4.0; Rick Payne and team / Better Images of AI / Ai is... Banner / CC-BY 4.0; Emily Rand & LOTI / Better Images of AI / AI City / CC-BY 4.0; Image by Comuzi / © BBC / Better Images of AI / Likes (wide) / CC-BY 4.0; Image by Alan Warburton / © BBC / Better Images of AI / Quantified Human / CC-BY 4.0; Max Gruber / Better Images of AI / Clickworker Abyss / CC-BY 4.0; Nacho Kamenov & Humans in the Loop / Better Images of AI / Data annotators labeling data / CC-BY 4.0; Alexa Steinbrück / Better Images of AI / Explainable AI / CC-BY 4.0; Yasmine Boudiaf & LOTI / Better Images of AI / Data Processing / CC-BY 4.0; Anne Fehres and Luke Conroy & AI4Media / Better Images of AI / Hidden Labour of Internet Browsing / CC-BY 4.0