AIConfident Leadership Cohorts

Are you a leader in a school, not-for-profit or an SME, who can see that AI is changing the world around them and is keen to embrace it?

Do you want a blend of AI expertise, change management and coaching to help you navigate these changes with confidence?

Would you like to do so alongside other leaders in the same position, sharing your learnings as you go?

If so, take a look at our AIConfident leadership cohorts

  • The rapid growth in Artificial Intelligence technologies will profoundly change the external and internal context for all types of organisation.

    We know that change is difficult, and that responding to change doesn't come through a single workshop or days course. 

    We are offering modular courses for leaders, combining AI expertise, change management and coaching techniques, to support you as you approach the changing AI context with confidence.

  • We will help you take a holistic look at the implications of AI for your organisation, and set out plans to respond proactively to the external and internal changes that AI use will bring.

    Over the course of 5 x 2hr modules, delivered one each month for 5 months, we'll support you through subjects such as:

    • Understanding the implications of AI for your organisation

    • Experimenting safely with the tools to run training for staff on the safe and responsible use of AI;

    • Putting in place an AI policy and ethical considerations

    • Communicating your approach with your teams and your key stakeholders

    • Deploying AI technologies with confidence understanding your biggest challenges and prioritising how you use AI

    Celebrating, reflecting, changing and moving to the next level 

  • Leaders of schools, not-for-profits, and for-profit organisations who recognise that AI tools are changing the context of their organisation, and want to confidently lead change to both harness the potential of AI and respond to the societal and economic impacts that AI will bring.

  • Undertaken in group sizes of 5-10, the sessions will be delivered through our unique blend of deep AI expertise, proven change management processes, and leadership coaching, while also providing the opportunity for peer-to-peer learning.

    Each session will include: 

    • a check-in on progress against last month's goals; 

    • AI expert input providing you with the tools that you need to lead for the changes you want to see; 

    • peer-to-peer discussion and goal-setting for the upcoming month.

  • We will be launching new cohorts every month. Our first cohorts, launching in February, will be for leaders in education.

    Coming soon:

    • Cohorts for leaders of not-for-profits and social enterprises

    • Cohorts for leaders in SMEs

Live Cohorts

Coming Soon

Cohorts for leaders of non-profit organisations, social enterprises and SME’s are all on their way. Be sure to check back soon or follow us on LinkedIn for updates